Cannabis can be Used to Treat Menopausal Symptoms

More than half of 232 women selected for the Mid-Age Veteran Women’s Health Survey in Northern Carolina, stated unpleasant symptoms of menopause. About 27 percent of interviewed women  reported that they were using or currently taking cannabis to treat the unpleasant menopausal effects. About 10 percent of participants said that they’re interested in trying the CBD to deal with menopause symptoms. Using a traditional method of treating the menopausal symptoms was reported only by 19 percent of women.

“The results we got, indicate that treating menopausal symptoms using cannabis may suit almost everyone. However, we still do not know if using cannabis is safe or effective enough for treating menopausal symptoms as a main cure. We also can’t claim whether women announce their decision to take cannabis as a treatment with their doctors. Especially in Virginia, where cannabis is still considered illegal, the situation must be reviewed very legibly.  We believe that this information is important and helpful to many scientists and physicians, so the researches in this field should be continued” said Carolyn Gibson, Ph.D., M.A., psychologist, the lead author of the research, and health services researcher from the San Francisco, Virginia health system.

Studies show that cannabis, and specifically, cannabidiol, has potential to relieve different kind of pain. That is why more and more women choose CBD oil as a natural remedy for menstrual cramps. See which CBD products are offered by manufacturers for menstrual pain relief.