Cbd Cream and Pregnancy: Separating Fact from Fiction

06 July 2023. Article by Abigail Foster. Estimated time to speed read: 7 minutes.

The Benefits of Using CBD Cream during Pregnancy*

🌿💆‍♀️CBD Cream has been gaining popularity among pregnant women as an alternative to traditional pain-relief methods. This is due to its natural properties that may help ease pain, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation. CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce the “high” sensation, unlike THC found in marijuana, which makes it safe for pregnant women to use. Moreover, CBD Cream is not only accessible but also non-addictive; hence, it is promising in the management of chronic pain for expectant mothers.


🤰🏼👶In addition to its pain-relieving features, CBD Cream can help treat pregnancy-related conditions, such as morning sickness, anxiety, and insomnia. Research suggests that CBD may ease nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. Also, CBD may help reduce anxiety, which is prevalent among expectant mothers. Lastly, CBD’s sedative properties may assist in minimizing the common sleeping problems among pregnant women. Keep in mind that CBD Cream has not yet been proven safe during pregnancy; therefore, it is crucial to consult a healthcare practitioner before using it.


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Research-based Evidence on Potential Concerns and Risks for Pregnant Women

🚫🤰🏼The safety of using CBD products during pregnancy is questionable as evidence suggests potential risks to both the mother and the fetus. CBD may have adverse effects on the developing fetal brain and may lead to long-lasting neurobehavioral alterations in offsprings. Also, CBD has been shown to pass through the placenta and transfer to the fetus, which may affect the fetus’s endocannabinoid system. Pregnant women who used cannabis, whether containing CBD or THC, had higher chances of delivering a low birth weight baby than those who didn’t. Moreover, CBD may stimulate uterine contraction and could have adverse effects on labor and delivery.


📉🤰🏼In conclusion, the data on CBD effects during pregnancy is scarce; therefore, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women to use CBD products. It is vital for expectant mothers to consult their healthcare provider before using any supplements, drugs, or over-the-counter medications, including CBD products.

Understanding the Effects of CBD Cream on the Baby before and after Birth

🤔🤰 Expectant mothers are often concerned with the potential effects of CBD cream on their baby during pregnancy and after birth. While CBD cream has been found to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation, its safety for the baby is not yet fully understood. A recent study found that CBD may inhibit placental function and lead to developmental abnormalities in the fetus. However, more research needs to be conducted to provide concrete evidence.


👶🌱Moreover, it is crucial to understand that CBD compounds may transfer to the baby through breastmilk, which may impact the baby’s developing endocannabinoid system. If you are currently breastfeeding or planning to, it is recommended to avoid using CBD products. To ensure the safety of your baby’s health, please consult with your healthcare provider before attempting to use any CBD creams or supplements.


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Real-life Experiences from Mothers Who Have Used CBD Cream during Pregnancy

👩‍👧💓Many mothers have claimed to benefit from using CBD creams during pregnancy. For instance, one mother reported using a CBD-infused balm for her hip pain instead of traditional painkillers, which helped soothe her pain and aided her in getting quality sleep. Furthermore, a few mothers who dealt with morning sickness claimed that using CBD helped reduce their nausea. These anecdotal experiences, however, do not confirm the safety and efficacy of CBD creams for expectant mothers.


🤔🌿Overall, while some mothers have reported benefits from using CBD creams during pregnancy, there is a lack of scientific evidence to confirm its safety and efficacy. To ensure the safety of the baby, avoid using CBD creams and supplements during or after pregnancy, unless under the guidance of a healthcare practitioner.


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Recommendations from Healthcare Professionals on CBD Cream Use during Pregnancy

👩‍⚕️🤰 It’s crucial for pregnant women to seek advice from their healthcare provider before using any CBD products, including CBD Cream. While CBD is considered safe for adults, research on the effects of CBD on the fetus is limited. Some medical experts advised that pregnant women should avoid using CBD during the first trimester when the fetus’s brain is still developing. However, if using CBD is deemed necessary for pain management, it should be used with caution and under a doctor’s guidance.


👨‍⚕️🧑‍⚕️In light of the limited research evidence on CBD’s effects during pregnancy, healthcare practitioners are still unsure of its safety. There are no official guidelines on the use of CBD during pregnancy, and the amount of CBD that can be safely consumed when pregnant or breastfeeding is unclear. Furthermore, the lack of regulation in the CBD industry means CBD products purchased over-the-counter may contain harmful additives or contaminants. As such, expectant mothers are advised to exercise caution when using CBD and consult their healthcare provider during their prenatal visits.

Conclusion: Empowering Pregnant Women to Make Informed Decisions about CBD Cream Usage

🤰🏽💪 Pregnant women should be empowered to make informed choices about their health. This means having access to accurate information about the risks and benefits of using CBD Cream during pregnancy, as well as consulting with their doctor. While CBD Cream has been touted as a natural alternative to traditional medicine, the safety of its use during pregnancy is still up for debate. Overall, it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid CBD when carrying a baby until further data is available.


🌍💊 For those looking for alternative pain management solutions, there are many other safe, natural remedies available. From prenatal yoga to massage, acupuncture to meditation, there are plenty of healthy ways to manage pain during pregnancy. The key is to speak with your healthcare provider and work together to find a solution that is right for you and your baby. 💗

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Abigail Foster is a poet from Salt Lake City, UT. Her work explores themes of spirituality, nature, and the beauty of the natural world.