The Truth about Using Cbd While Breastfeeding: Debunking Myths and Educating Moms, According to Kellymom

24 June 2023. Authored by William Lewis. Estimated length of read: 7 minutes.

Understanding CBD and How It Affects Breast Milk

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is one of the many compounds found in cannabis plants. It is known for its calming effect when consumed, thanks to its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. While CBD has been found to be generally safe for consumption and use, its effect on breast milk has been a topic of concern among breastfeeding mothers. It is known that Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in cannabis, can be passed on to breast milk and potentially harm infants, but the same cannot be said with CBD. According to a study published in the journal Pediatrics in 2018, CBD does not appear to have any adverse effects on the infant when consumed by breastfeeding mothers.

However, it is important to note that research on the effects of CBD on breast milk is still limited. More studies need to be conducted to accurately determine its long-term effects on infants. If you are considering using CBD while breastfeeding, it is best to consult your healthcare provider to determine whether it is safe for you and your child. It is also important to note that consuming CBD may cause drowsiness and affect your ability to care for your child, so exercise caution when using it.


The Myths Surrounding CBD Use While Breastfeeding

There are several myths surrounding CBD use while breastfeeding, which can cause confusion and anxiety among mothers. One common myth is that consuming CBD while breastfeeding can cause the infant to become high or experience developmental delays. However, CBD does not have the psychoactive properties that THC has, and therefore is unlikely to cause any intoxicating effects in the infant. Another common myth is that CBD can pass through breast milk in high concentrations, potentially causing harm to the infant. However, as previously mentioned, there is limited research on the subject, but the available evidence suggests that it is safe.

It is also important to note that not all CBD products are created equal. Some products may be contaminated with harmful substances or contain inaccurate labeling, so it is important to do your research and purchase from reputable sources. If you are considering using CBD while breastfeeding, it is best to start with a low dosage and closely monitor any potential side effects.


If you want to know more about how CBD can reduce inflammation, check out this comprehensive guide on the pros and cons of using CBD during pregnancy.

The Risks Associated with CBD Use during Breastfeeding

While CBD has been found to be safe for consumption and use, its effect on breast milk has been of concern among breastfeeding mothers. Currently, there is limited research on the long-term effects of consuming CBD while breastfeeding. It is known that THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis, can be passed on to breast milk and may potentially harm infants. However, a study published in the journal Pediatrics in 2018 found that consuming CBD does not appear to have any adverse effects on the infant when consumed by breastfeeding mothers.

It is still important to exercise caution when considering using CBD while breastfeeding, as research in this area is still in its infancy. Consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended before use. It is also important to monitor any potential side effects, as some individuals may experience drowsiness or other mild side effects. As with any product, it is important to research and purchase from reputable sources. If you are considering using CBD while breastfeeding, starting with a low dosage is recommended.

Research Studies on CBD and Its Effects on Breastfeeding

While there is limited research on CBD and its effects on breast milk, a study published in the journal Pediatrics in 2018 found that consuming it did not appear to have any adverse effects on the infant when consumed by breastfeeding mothers. Another study published in the European Journal of Pain found that CBD may have the potential to reduce pain and improve sleep quality, but more research is needed.

It is also important to note that CBD affects everyone differently and some individuals may experience side effects. It is important for breastfeeding mothers to consult with their healthcare provider before using CBD, as more research needs to be conducted to determine the long-term effects of its use. As always, it is important to purchase products from reputable sources and start with a low dosage. For more information on how CBD can aid in pain relief, see this guide on CBD before surgery. 🌿💊💤

Safe Alternatives for Managing Postpartum Symptoms

While CBD may be a potential remedy for postpartum symptoms such as postpartum depression and anxiety, there are other safe alternatives that breastfeeding mothers can consider. These include therapy, exercise, and a healthy diet. Talking to a healthcare provider can also help determine the best treatment options, as every mother’s experience is unique.

Exercise has been found to be particularly effective for managing postpartum symptoms. It can help improve mood, increase energy levels, and reduce stress. Walking, swimming, and yoga are all low-impact exercises that can be easily incorporated into a new mom’s routine. A healthy diet, focusing on whole foods and limiting sugar and processed snacks, can also help improve overall mood and energy levels.


The Importance of Consulting a Healthcare Provider before Using CBD While Breastfeeding

While research on the effects of CBD on breastfeeding is limited, it is important to consult a healthcare provider before consuming CBD as a treatment for postpartum symptoms. CBD can interact with other medications and may have different effects on each individual. In addition, not all CBD products are created equal, and it is important to purchase from reputable sources to ensure product safety and accuracy of labeling.

A healthcare provider can help determine whether CBD is the right treatment option, taking into consideration any other medications and health conditions. They can also help determine the dosage and frequency of use, as well as monitor any potential side effects. As with any treatment option, it is important to prioritize the safety of both the mother and the infant.


If you’re interested in learning more about how CBD can benefit you, check out these examples of CBD and talk to your healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan for you and your baby. 💙🌿💊

William Lewis is a freelance writer from Chicago, IL. He has written for various publications on topics ranging from technology to sports.