Breaking down the Ban: Exploring the Ncaa’s Stance on Cbd Use in Athletics

08 August 2023. Written by Benjamin Thompson. Estimated time to enhance your understanding: 4 minutes.

Understanding CBD and Its Effects on the Body

CBD or Cannabidiol is a chemical compound that is extracted from the marijuana plant. Unlike its counterpart THC, CBD does not have psychoactive properties, which means it won’t get the user high. Instead, it provides a relaxing effect to the nervous system, making it one of the potential remedies for mental disorders.


Studies have shown that CBD may be a promising treatment for a wide range of conditions like anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and chronic pain. One of the most interesting things about CBD is that it interacts with the endocannabinoid system of the body. This system is comprised of various receptors and chemicals that regulate different bodily functions such as appetite, mood, sleep, and immune response. Hence, it is believed that CBD can help enhance the endocannabinoid system of the body and alleviate the symptoms of different health issues.


If you’re interested in exploring CBD, you can try making your own CBD soap. Not only is it easy to make, but it can also give you the benefits of CBD without having to ingest it. Check out this guide on how to make CBD soap to learn more about it.

The History of the NCAA’s Ban on CBD Use for Athletes

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has a strict policy regarding drug use when it comes to athletes. The organization has a list of banned substances that includes both illicit drugs and performance-enhancing drugs. For a long time, CBD was included in the list of banned substances due to its association with marijuana. However, in recent years, the NCAA has been more open to CBD use for athletes under certain circumstances.


The NCAA’s stance on CBD use for athletes is based on the fact that CBD is extracted from marijuana, which is still illegal according to federal law. The organization fears that allowing CBD use can lead to athletes taking marijuana and other illicit drugs. However, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from its prohibited list in 2018. This move has helped shift the mindset of many sports organizations, including the NCAA, towards CBD, and more research has been conducted to explore its potential benefits for athletes.

Current Research on CBD and Athletic Performance

Recent studies have shown that CBD may have potential benefits for athletes. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation that come as a result of intense workouts. It can also help with pain relief, improve sleep quality, and enhance recovery time. Research has also shown that CBD can aid in suppressing anxiety, improve mood and cognitive functions, which can be useful for athletes that are looking to reduce stress and increase their focus.


While more research is still needed to fully understand the effects of CBD on athletic performance, many athletes have started to integrate it into their training and recovery routines. Some athletes have reported that using CBD before their workouts can help them feel more calm and relaxed, which can be beneficial for athletes that struggle with performance anxiety. Additionally, CBD can also be helpful for athletes dealing with injuries, as it may have the potential to reduce the need for traditional painkillers.


If you’re an athlete looking to explore the potential benefits of CBD, be sure to check with your athletic organization to ensure that it is allowed. Despite the legalization of CBD in many states, some athletic organizations may still have restrictions on its use. You may also want to explore different ways to use CBD, such as applying it topically before your workout or adding it to your post-workout recovery routine.

The Legalization of CBD and Its Impact on Athletic Organizations

The legalization of CBD has opened up new opportunities for athletic organizations to explore alternative treatments for their athletes. However, despite the growing acceptance of CBD, many organizations still maintain strict policies when it comes to drug use. The National Football League (NFL), for example, only allows the use of CBD for treatment of certain medical conditions and not for performance enhancement.


One of the main concerns with the legalization of CBD is the potential for athletes to turn to marijuana use. While CBD is a non-psychoactive compound, it is extracted from marijuana, which is still classified as a Schedule I drug by the DEA. The NCAA maintains a strict policy when it comes to drug use, and athletes that test positive for marijuana use may face disciplinary action.


Despite these concerns, the legalization of CBD has opened up new opportunities for athletes to explore alternative treatments for their conditions. Many athletes have reported that using CBD has helped them manage their pain and recover from their injuries more quickly. Additionally, some organizations have started to explore the use of CBD-based products for their athletes, such as CBD-infused protein bars and drinks.

Athletes Speak Out: Personal Experiences with CBD Use

Athletes have been the subject of drug testing and drug bans for years, including CBD. But recently, some athletes are speaking out about the potential benefits of using CBD in their recovery and training. NBA player DeAndre Jordan is one of the most outspoken athletes advocating for CBD use. He takes CBD to help with sleep which, for athletes, is a crucial aspect of the recovery process. MMA fighter Nate Diaz also spoke about his CBD use, stating that it helps him with pain management and inflammation.


These are just two examples of athletes who have benefited from CBD use. A growing number of athletes are embracing CBD, and it’s not hard to see why. CBD has shown potential in treating various health issues, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and even dementia in adults. That’s right; research has shown that CBD could help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with dementia in adults. With more and more athletes advocating for CBD use, it’s possible that sports organizations like the NCAA may reconsider their stance on the matter.


If you’re an athlete who’s interested in exploring CBD use, it’s essential to do your research first. You should consult with your medical team to determine if CBD is right for you, and if so, what dosage and administration method is recommended. Don’t be afraid to speak out about your experiences with CBD; you could be helping other athletes who are on the fence about trying it.


cbd for dementia in adults

The Future of CBD Use in Athletics: Potential Changes and Implications

The use of CBD in athletics is still a controversial subject, but changes may be on the horizon. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from its prohibited list in 2018, which indicates that attitudes towards CBD may be changing. More research has been conducted to explore the potential benefits of CBD use in athletes. For example, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine in 2019 found that CBD could help athletes with anxiety and sleep disturbances.


However, there are still significant legal and regulatory challenges to overcome before CBD can be fully accepted in athletics. Marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, which creates legal issues for athletes who use CBD. Additionally, different states have different laws regarding marijuana and CBD, which makes it difficult for athletes to navigate the legal landscape. The NCAA and other sports organizations will need to work with lawmakers and medical professionals to develop a coherent policy regarding CBD use in athletics.


Looking to the future, it’s possible that more changes and implications regarding CBD use in athletics will emerge. As research on CBD continues, we may learn more about its potential benefits and drawbacks for athletes. The growing number of athletes who have spoken out about their experiences with CBD use could also play a significant role in shaping policy and changing societal attitudes towards marijuana and CBD in general. Time will tell whether CBD becomes an accepted practice in athletics, but one thing is for sure: the conversation surrounding its use is far from over.

Benjamin Thompson is a journalist from New York City, NY. He is passionate about writing about politics and social justice issues.