Cbd Vs Melatonin: Which Is the Better Natural Sleep Aid?

09 June 2023. Article by Alexander Parker. Approximate duration of reading: 7 minutes.

The Rise of Natural Sleep Aids

In recent years, the use of natural sleep aids has been on the rise, especially among crypto users who value holistic remedies over traditional medicine. Many people find difficulty in sleeping due to stress and anxiety. While pharmaceutical sleep aids may be effective, they can come with side effects such as addiction, grogginess, and weakness. People often prefer natural sleep aids because they are safe, effective, and don’t cause addiction, and there are plenty of options to choose from.


Crypto investors who trade around the clock often rely on a good night’s sleep to keep them focused and alert and thus have been turning to natural remedies such as herbs, teas, and supplements. Two popular choices among crypto investors are CBD and melatonin – but which one is better?


CBD plant is one of the most commonly used natural sleep aids, and for good reason. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant with various therapeutic benefits, including helping with anxiety, depression, pain relief, and inflammation. When it comes to sleep, CBD helps promote a state of relaxation by balancing the body’s endocannabinoid system. Unlike traditional sleep aids, CBD does not cause grogginess, addiction or reduce REM sleep and is safe for long-term use. Additionally, CBD is available in various forms such as oils, tinctures, gummies, capsules, and vape pens, making it easy to consume.

Understanding CBD as a Sleep Aid

CBD works by indirectly activating the cannabinoid receptors present in the endocannabinoid system. Our endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating various processes, including sleep, mood, hunger, and more. When CBD enters our system, it binds with the cannabinoid receptors, thus promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and improving overall sleep quality.


Several studies have proved that CBD is effective in treating insomnia and related sleep disorders. A 2019 study published in The Permanente Journal showed promising results, indicating that CBD significantly improved anxiety and sleep in subjects within the first month of the study. Furthermore, another study published in CNS & Neurological Disorders – Drug Targets found that CBD improved sleep in 48% of subjects who experienced anxiety-related sleep disorders.


In conclusion, CBD is a highly effective natural sleep aid that is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to get a good night’s rest without relying on pharmaceutical sleep aids. Consult with your doctor before using CBD, as it may interact with other medications or pre-existing conditions. Always buy high-quality, full-spectrum CBD from trusted vendors for optimal results.

Understanding Melatonin as a Sleep Aid

Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally by the body, released at night, and responsible for regulating our sleep cycle. As a supplement, it is widely used to help people with sleep problems, including jet lag, insomnia, and shifting work schedules. It is a popular choice among crypto enthusiasts who have a disrupted sleep pattern. Melatonin supplements are widely available over-the-counter and do not require a prescription.


While melatonin is generally safe, it may cause side effects like headaches, dizziness, and nausea. It is advised to start with a small dose and check for any allergic reactions. Melatonin works best when used according to a schedule and consumed an hour before bedtime to signal the body to prepare for sleep. Like other sleep aids, melatonin should not be used long-term without consulting a doctor.

CBD vs Melatonin: a Comparison

When it comes to choosing between CBD and melatonin as sleep aids, it often depends on the individual’s preferences and requirements. CBD works best for those with sleep problems due to anxiety or pain, while melatonin is more effective in treating insomnia-related sleep disorders.


While CBD does not cause addiction, melatonin may cause dependence if used long-term, and its effectiveness may decrease over time. CBD also has benefits beyond sleep, such as reducing anxiety and inflammation, making it a more versatile option. On the other hand, while CBD is non-psychoactive, melatonin may cause drowsiness and impair cognitive function, making it unsuitable for daytime use.


If you are looking for an all-natural sleep aid, both CBD and melatonin are good options. However, we recommend starting with CBD, as it has fewer side effects, is safe for long-term use, and has multiple therapeutic benefits. If you want to try CBD as a sleep aid, we recommend using high-quality CBD isolate. Check out our article on how to use CBD isolate for more information.

Crypto Users Prefer Natural Sleep Aids

Crypto users are always on the lookout for ways to boost their productivity and mental clarity, which is why many of them prefer natural sleep aids to pharmaceuticals. Among the most popular natural sleep aids are CBD and melatonin. While both are effective in inducing sleep, they work differently and are suited to different needs.


CBD plant is a popular choice for crypto users who want to relax and induce sleep naturally. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in the hemp plant that interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. CBD has been shown to alleviate anxiety, depression, and chronic pain, among other conditions, making it a go-to natural remedy for many crypto traders. Additionally, CBD is available in various forms, including oils, tinctures, gummies, and capsules, making it easy to consume.


One of the reasons why CBD is popular among crypto users is that it doesn’t cause grogginess or impair motor function or cognitive abilities like traditional pharmaceuticals. CBD helps regulate sleep patterns, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. If you’re looking for a natural sleep aid that promotes relaxation and doesn’t impair your mental clarity, CBD could be an excellent choice for you.

CBD quote

Melatonin: A Safe and Effective Sleep Aid

Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally in the body that regulates sleep and wakefulness. It is sometimes taken as a supplement to help induce sleep or regulate sleep-wake cycles. Melatonin is considered safe and effective, making it a popular choice for people who have trouble sleeping. Crypto users who need to get a good night’s sleep to stay focused and clear-headed may find melatonin to be a good option.


Unlike CBD, which targets the endocannabinoid system, melatonin works directly on the body’s sleep-wake cycle. It is a potent sleep aid that can help regulate circadian rhythms and improve overall sleep quality. Melatonin supplements are readily available over the counter and come in various forms, including capsules, gummies, and sprays. Additionally, melatonin is less likely to interact with other medications or cause addiction, making it a safer choice for some people.


If you’re looking for a safe, effective, and easy-to-use sleep aid, melatonin could be an excellent choice. It works best for people who have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep and can help promote a healthy sleep-wake cycle. As with any supplement, it’s always best to consult with your doctor before using melatonin to ensure it’s safe for you.

Alexander Parker is a screenwriter from Nashville, TN. He is known for his character-driven dramas that explore the complexities of the human psyche.