Moms and Mary Jane: Navigating Edibles and Breastfeeding

22 May 2023. Authored by Isabella Green. Time investment: 9 minutes.

Understanding the Effects of Edibles on Breastfeeding Moms

If you’re a breastfeeding mom who is considering consuming marijuana edibles, it’s important to understand how they can affect you and your baby. Edibles that contain THC, the psychoactive component in marijuana, can pass through breast milk and potentially harm your baby’s development. Even if you don’t feel high, the THC can still affect your baby’s brain and nervous system.

It’s also worth noting that edibles can have delayed effects, meaning you may not feel their full impact for several hours after consuming. This can make it difficult to know when it’s safe to breastfeed your baby without exposing them to THC. In short, consuming marijuana edibles while breastfeeding can pose serious risks, and it’s best to talk to your healthcare provider before making any decisions.


Health Risks Associated with Consuming Marijuana While Breastfeeding

Consuming marijuana while breastfeeding can lead to a number of health risks for both you and your baby. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive compound in marijuana, can negatively affect your baby’s brain and nervous system, potentially leading to developmental delays and behavioral problems later in life. It can also impact your milk supply, making it harder for your body to produce enough milk to nourish your baby.

In addition, consuming marijuana while breastfeeding can increase your risk of postpartum depression and anxiety. THC can also impair your judgment and motor skills, making it unsafe to care for your baby while under the influence. If you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, or you’re finding it difficult to cope with the challenges of breastfeeding, there are many resources available to help, including counseling and support groups.


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Using Crypto to Manage Your Finances as a Breastfeeding Mother

Managing your finances as a breastfeeding mother can be a challenge, but using cryptocurrency can provide you with a secure, decentralized way to track your expenses and earnings. With the rise of mobile apps and online platforms, it’s easier than ever to buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrency without the need for a middleman.

You can use cryptocurrency to pay for breastfeeding-related expenses, such as lactation consultants, nursing clothes, and breastfeeding-friendly pillows. Additionally, accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment if you run a business or sell products can provide you with a more versatile and flexible way to receive payments without the need for traditional banking systems.

If you’re new to the world of crypto, there are many resources available to help you get started, including online tutorials, discussion forums, and local meetups. With its secure, private nature and potential for growth, cryptocurrency can be a valuable tool for managing your finances as a breastfeeding mother.


The Benefits of Using Slang in Crypto Communities

If you’re an advanced user in the world of cryptocurrency, you’re likely familiar with the use of slang and jargon in online communities. From “HODL” to “FUD,” there are many terms that are unique to the world of crypto.

Using slang can help you connect with other users and feel more comfortable discussing complex topics related to cryptocurrency. It can also provide you with a way to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge of the industry.

However, it’s important to remember that not everyone is familiar with crypto slang, and using too much of it can be confusing or off-putting to newcomers. If you’re part of an online community that uses a lot of slang, take the time to explain any new terms to others and be mindful of how it’s received.


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The Importance of Proper Dosage and Safe Storage

When it comes to edibles, proper dosage and safe storage are crucial considerations, especially for breastfeeding moms. It’s important to start with a low dosage and gradually increase it until you find what works for you. This can help you avoid overconsumption, which can lead to unwanted side effects and increase the amount of THC in your breast milk.

Additionally, edibles should always be kept in a secure location and out of reach of children. This is not only for safety reasons, but also to prevent accidental consumption. Remember, edibles can be very appealing to kids because they can look like candy or other treats.


Supporting and Educating Breastfeeding Moms in Making Informed Choices

As a community, we need to do a better job of supporting and educating breastfeeding moms who are considering consuming edibles. This includes providing information on the potential risks and benefits, as well as resources for making informed choices.

One resource that can be particularly helpful is a healthcare provider who is knowledgeable and supportive of marijuana use. They can provide guidance on safe consumption practices, help you monitor your baby for any potential side effects, and offer support as needed. Additionally, there are many support groups and online communities where breastfeeding moms can connect with others who have similar experiences and get advice and guidance from peers.


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Isabella Green is a journalist from Philadelphia, PA. She is passionate about writing about politics, social justice, and the environment.